
发布时间: 2021年07月27日 11:07:00


北京时间7月25日,NIO 333 EF车队车手汤姆·布隆奎斯特 (Tom Blomqvist) 在排位赛中稳稳地跑完了一圈后,他以第14位的成绩开始了双赛周末的最后一场比赛。然而就像在前一天的首圈比赛一样,发车后拥挤的车阵驶入第一组狭窄弯道,汤姆不幸蹭到了护墙,导致他的88号NIO 333 FE 001赛车的前翼和轮胎损坏。车队随即安排他进行了必要的进站,并让汤姆重新回到赛道以收集有价值的数据。最终汤姆在方格旗的挥动下完成他了的比赛。

同为队友和英国人的奥利弗·特维驾驶着8号NIO 333 FE 001赛车,在排位赛圈中也有令人鼓舞的飞驰圈成绩,他在7号弯道冲过了赛车墙时正在。在今天下午的45分钟+1圈的正赛中,奥利弗的发车很顺利,避免了所有的事故,并以8个位置的提升,以第16名冲线,结束了此次FE伦敦站。经过一系列赛后调查,其他车手受到处罚,最终,特维排名来到第14,完成了一场上升幅度达到最大的比赛,汤姆·布隆奎斯特则位列第19。

奥利弗·特维(Oliver Turvey)

 NIO 333 FE 001,8号





汤姆·布隆奎斯特(Tom Blomqvist

NIO 333 FE 001,88号





我也有一个不错的正赛起步,但后来Nato在 2 号弯将我撞到墙上,这导致我的赛车部件脱落并刺穿了右前轮胎,所以基本上我的比赛结束了。这是一个艰难的周末,但比赛的速度似乎还不错,所以我们只需要期待柏林的比赛。”

Round 13 of the 2021 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship at the ExCeL venue, London, was filled with all the thrills and spills that has become synonymous with the all-electric, street racing series.

Following a solid Qualifying lap by NIO 333 Formula E driver Tom Blomqvist this morning, he commenced the final race of the double header event from the middle of the grid in P14. Just as during yesterday’s opening lap, the bustle of cars heading in to the first set of narrow corners forced Tom into the wall causing front wing and tyre damage to his #88 NIO 333 FE 001 car. The team made the necessary pit stops to get Tom back out on track to gather valuable data and conclude his race a lap down at the chequered flag.

Fellow Briton and teammate Oliver Turvey in the sister #8 NIO 333 car was also on an encouraging flying Qualifying lap when he clipped the wall at Turn 7. Oliver made a clean start and managed to avoid all the incidents that punctuated the 45 mins plus 1 lap race this afternoon and made up eight positions to conclude the second London E-Prix contest in provisional P16.

Oliver Turvey, #8 NIO 333 FE 001

Qualifying Group 4 - Race Grid Position: P24

Round 13 Race Result: P14 after post race penalties applied


“After struggling for pace in Free Practice 3 I pushed hard in Qualifying and unfortunately clipped the wall in the first sector which bent the track rod and put us at the back of the grid. The race went much better; we had better pace and managed to move forwards. Although we weren’t able to make it to the points, we had definitely made some improvements since yesterday, so hopefully we can learn more from this race ahead of Berlin.”

Tom Blomqvist, #88 NIO 333 FE 001

Qualifying Group 4 - Race Grid Position: P14

Round 13 Race Result: P19 after post race penalties applied

“Another unfortunate race result for us, but I think that we made a step forward today in Qualifying and I managed to do a tidy lap that put me in P14. Maybe there was a couple more tenths in it with a perfect lap, but there was not that much more pace in the car, so I think I did reasonably well. I also got a decent race start, but then Nato decided to put me in the wall at Turn 2 which ripped my wing off and punctured the front right tyre, so that was basically my race over. It was a tough weekend, but the pace in the race seemed to be ok so we just need to look forward to Berlin.”

Christian Silk, Team Principal, NIO 333 Formula E Team

“What a crazy race, I think today really shows why Formula E is so exciting and why once you have seen a race you are hooked. All the drivers put on an amazing show today.

At NIO 333 we had a good morning session and went into Qualifying determined to show what we can do. Tom did a great job in tricky conditions and, despite feeling that he could have gone quicker, still managed to set a time good enough for P14. Oliver was equally determined to set a good time, but unfortunately, he pushed a little too hard and drifted wide at Turn 7 damaging the front suspension. He completed the lap cautiously finishing in P24.

Sadly, our luck was no better in this race. Tom made a good start, but was pushed off track on the first lap, damaging the front wing and puncturing a tyre. The subsequent pit stops put him a lap down and out of contention. Oliver had a much cleaner race and showed good pace, but it was always going to be a difficult day having started so far back on the grid - he finished the race in P16.

Overall, it has been a challenging two days in London, but we would like to thank Formula E and ExCeL for putting on such a great show and we look forward to the next race in Berlin in two weeks’ time with a feeling of unfinished business.”


The final two rounds of the seventh season of the FIA Formula E World Championship take place at the historic Tempelhof airport in Berlin, Germany on 14-15 August 2021.

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