当地时间8月15日,2021 ABB 国际汽联FE电动方程式世界锦标赛在一场意外频发的正赛中落下帷幕。此役柏林站的比赛进程充满了戏剧性,而这一全电动街头系列赛同样因此名声大噪。对于全世界的每个人来说,这都是一个非同寻常和艰难的一年,对于FE电动方程式和国际汽联来说,在目前疫情阴霾还未散去的情况下,顺利举办15站的全球系列赛绝非易事。

333 Racing、NIO 333 FE车队的所有者和管理层感谢我们的合作伙伴——NIO、ACRONIS、乐鱼赛车、Gusto Technik、Integral Powertrain、One All Sports和Alpine Stars,感谢一直以来的支持!NIO 333 FE车队在本赛季获得19分,显示出稳步的进步和增长,我们希望沿着向上的趋势去发展和超越。

汤姆·布隆奎斯特(Tom Blomqvist)
NIO 333 FE 001,88号


奥利弗·特维(Oliver Turvey)
NIO 333 FE 001,8号


NIO 333 FE车队运营总监 拉塞尔·奥哈根
“今天车队的状态非常不错!不仅上演了场精彩的积分争夺之战,最重要的是,这对车队来说是非常有意义的一天。汤姆在排位赛中的出色表现使他在比赛中处于领先地位,表现出色,以第 10 名收车。特维也赛出了节奏和稳定,验证了周末第二阶段的改进方案。我为团队所取得的成就感到自豪,休赛期前以振奋人心的成绩收尾真是太好了。
NIO 333 FE车队 CEO 王笑
“这是个跌宕起伏的赛季,有困难也取得了进展。显然,我们仍有很大的改进空间,但作为国际汽联FE电动方程式世界锦标赛中一支相对较新的车队,怀揣信心并朝着正确的方向前进。感谢车迷们的支持和关注,感谢赞助商以及所有NIO 333 FE车队成员的辛勤工作。在休赛期还有很多工作亟待完成——提高第 八赛季的成绩以及第九赛季的 Gen3 赛车的工作,希望我们能在不久的将来登上领奖台!”

The 2021 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship concluded in an eventful final Berlin E-Prix race filled with all the drama and incidents that the all-electric street racing series has become renown for today.
It has been an extraordinary and difficult year for everyone around the world, and for Formula E and the FIA to host a 15-round global series during a pandemic has been no mean feat.
333 Racing, owners, and management of the NIO 333 Formula E Team would like to thank our Partners for their ongoing support – NIO, ACRONIS, Li Sheng Racing, Gusto Technik, Integral Powertrain, One All Sports and Alpine Stars.
The NIO 333 Formula E Team achieved 19 points in the 2021 FIA Formula E World Championship – showing steady progression and growth in a trajectory we hope will continue in an upward direction.

Tom Blomqvist, #88 NIO 333 FE 001
Qualifying Group 4 - Race Grid Position: P5
Round 15 Race Result: provisional P10
“I think it was a really good day in general for the team. We had a Qualifying that exceeded expectations; it was a good lap and starting 5th was more than we could have hoped for! We knew that the race would be challenging, always looking in my mirrors, but it was clean, we managed to stay out of trouble and use the Attack Mode at the right time. I did drop out of the points, but thankfully for me it all kicked off in front of me on the last lap and I was able to nick position back so that was really nice. It was a good way for the team to end the weekend, so thanks to all the girls and boys in the team who have worked so hard all season.”
Oliver Turvey, #8 NIO 333 FE 001
Qualifying Group 4 - Race Grid Position: P20
Round 15 Race Result: provisional P19
“We tried to find a good feeling in practice and my lap in Qualifying was one of my better laps of today, even though it was so close in the qualifying session, I was only two tenths away from Superpole. It was frustrating not to be further up for the start, but I think we had a better race than yesterday. The things we learnt from yesterday helped and I felt stronger in the race and had good race pace. I was able to fight the cars around me, but unfortunately the pace just wasn’t quite enough to move forward. As a team we made progress this weekend and have made positive steps all year – scoring points in some races – and I would like to thank everyone I the team for their hard work this season.”

Russell O’Hagan, Operations Director, NIO 333 Formula E Team
“Today was Formula E at its best! Not only was there some great racing, but most importantly it was a very rewarding day for the team. A fantastic effort by Tom in Qualifying put him right at the sharp end for the race and he and the team delivered a faultless performance to come home in 10th place. Oliver also showed strong pace and consistency today confirming our improved approach to the second phase of the weekend. I am proud of what the whole team delivered today, and it’s great to head into the off season on the back of a strong result to build on.
As a team we would like to thank Formula E and the FIA for all their hard work in delivering such a full season of events in difficult conditions. We would also like to congratulate Nyck de Vries and Mercedes-EQ Formula E Team on the Driver and Team championships. They have shown a lot of resilience through the year and go home deserving winners.”
Vincent Wang, CEO, NIO 333 Formula E Team
“It's been a tough but good season and we've made some progress. Obviously, we still have a lot of room for improvement, but as a relatively new team in the FIA Formula E World Championship we are confident that we are heading in the right direction. Thank you to the fans for their support and attention, to all our NIO 333 Formula E Team members for their hard work and to our sponsors.
We have a lot of work to do in the off-season - to improve for Season 8 as well as work on Gen3 for Season 9, but I expect a podium to come our way in the near future!”