2021年11月17日,ABB国际汽联FE方程式世界锦标赛(以下简称FE)第八赛季NIO333 FE车队赛车涂装正式公布。同时,新赛车涂装亦将于11月29日(星期一)在西班牙瓦伦西亚的里卡多·托尔莫赛道举行的2021-2022年国际汽联电动方程式世界锦标赛官方测试中首次正式亮相。

第八赛季是Gen2赛车时代的结束,新赛季NIO333FE车队的车号沿用了第六赛季的“3”以及“33”号。“3”这个数字不仅仅是“333”的部分,在这个赛季也预示着车队向Gen3时代的升级与改变; 同时“3”也是“赛”的谐音,象征着车队勇于拼搏比赛的精神,这也是乐鱼赛车作为中国NIO333 FE车队运营商所赋予的最主要意义。

NIO333车队CEO 王笑:

今年8月,NIO 333 FE车队与蔚来特别发起了一场设计征集活动,用意在于设计出能传达“中国速度”这一概念的主题图案,为车队新赛季加电。在经历大众投票与专家评审后,最终来自“”FunnyFrank”的设计作品脱颖而出,最终车队决定将其用于新赛季涂装之中。车队CEO王笑表示:“在赛车“最值钱”的位置,我们摆放了一只代表“中国速度”的“兔子”。希望这只寓意“机敏”、“幸运”的兔子能够在新赛季为我们带来好运。”

第八赛季的外观设计同时契合国际汽联(FIA)的三星环境认证(Three Stars Environmental Accreditation) 和FE对于环保材料方面的要求。因此,用于NIO FE 001汽车的涂装材料仍然是不含PVC材质的3M包装---目前最环保的包装材料。NIO333与正在举行的世界联合国气候大会(COP26)并肩同行,在实现全球净零排放的战役中,鼓励碳中和发展趋势,在与环境变化的竞赛当中,NIO333FE更加坚定的站在“为更清洁的未来而比赛”的行列中。

The NIO 333 Formula E Team has today revealed the livery design and numbers for its Season 8 challengers that will break cover at the official 2021-22 FIA Formula E World Championship all-teams test at the Circuit Ricardo Tormo in Valencia, Spain on Monday 29th November.
The NIO 333 001 cars will make a welcome return to their familiar #3 and #33 numbers for the final year of Gen2 Formula E racing. The number 3 (三), is considered lucky in China due to its similarity in sound to the word “Sai” which means “to compete”. The numbers are also significant to the UK based Formula E team as they feature in the name of the brand under which team owner Brilliant in Excellence (BIE UK Ltd) competes in the all-electric racing series – 333 Racing.
The concept for the new 333 Racing car livery design is ‘Continuity with Innovation’. The team wished to retain the main design elements from last year, namely the striking ‘pin striping’ for the perception of speed, and the ease of replacement of all carbon fibre bodywork pieces through individual material ‘templating’.
In an evolution of the NIO 333 Formula E Team’s Season 7 dark blue, tonal teal and bare black carbon car livery, accents of the red of the Chinese flag and the 333 Racing brand identity have been incorporated into the design for the coming season. In China, red is the national colour symbolizing happiness, beauty, vitality, good luck, success and good fortune.
It was also important to take the creative step to distinguish the 333 Racing cars from other teams when out on track. To this end, the red accents incorporated into the Season 8 livery design have been graduated along the cars’ surfaces. The combined effect has maintained the team’s strong brand identity whilst conferring a fresh and innovative aesthetic.
Vincent Wang, CEO, NIO 333 Formula E Team
"Since the end of last season, I've been thinking about the aesthetic of our team for Season 8. Last season's car livery was very well received, which is definitely a happy thing, but it also posed a challenge for us to come up with an even better design for 2022! We tried a lot of different variations and ultimately wanted something familiar for the fans, but different. After repeated deliberation between our Chinese and British team members and design team, we decided upon a concept developed from last year's acclaimed version.
While the NIO blue and 333 Racing blue base colours were not drastically changed, we updated the side box lines to make them more "electric", which at first glance felt a bit cyberpunk and edgy whilst both relating and bringing an evolution of last season’s car. In the colour scheme we have added Chinese “red", which stands out but is not obtrusive, which will also make our cars stand out from other in the race.
In the ‘most visible’ position on the car, we have placed a "rabbit" representing "China Speed", which was the winner of a competition we launched a few months ago alongside NIO in China. The logo designed by Funny Frank stood out amongst the many entries we received - hopefully, this rabbit, which means "smart" and "lucky", will bring us good luck in the coming FIA Formula E World Championship season."
For more information regarding the "Sprinting Rabbit” logo please see ‘notes to editors’.
It was also essential for the team to keep in line with its FIA Three Stars Environmental Accreditation status and the Formula E Championship’s sustainability goals when considering its Season 8 car livery design. The material used to adorn the NIO FE 001 cars therefore continues to be 3M wrapping grade PVC-free vinyl - the most environmentally friendly wrapping film currently available.