2022年1月17日-2021/2022年国际汽联FE世界锦标赛(以下简称“FE”)开赛前夕,NIO333FE车队正式宣布与OMP Racing(以下简称“OMP”)达成长期合作伙伴关系——自本赛季起,OMP将作为车队官方供应商,为NIO333 FE车队提供世界领先的高品质赛车装备。

OMP 作为Racing Force Group旗下品牌,在赛车安全部件的设计和制造方面处于世界领先地位,其产品也应用于现今几乎所有的比赛当中。 第八赛季,他们将为NIO333FE车队车手奥利弗·特维(Oliver Turvey)、丹·提克图姆(Dan Ticktum)及预备车手亚当·卡罗尔(Adam Carroll)提供赛服、赛车鞋、手套和防火内衣等比赛装备,所有产品的设计和生产均来自于OMP意大利热那亚工厂。 另外,作为官方供应商, OMP 还将为车队提供车手专用背包、车队专用背包及行李箱。同时,作为一个持续为全球性范围内顶级全电动赛车系列比赛提供支持的赞助商,OMP品牌标识也将会与NIO333FE车队共同出现在FE赛场上。
NIO333FE车队市场营销和商务经理Emma Bearpark表示:“我们很高兴能够在新赛季得到OMP的赞助支持。在赛车比赛中,保证车手安全是团队的首要任务,OMP是公认的世界领先的赛车运动高科技性能服装供应商之一,我们很高兴与他们达成新赛季的合作伙伴关系。”
Racing Force Group销售总监Bruno Curletto补充道:“我很自豪的说,能在这样一项受到全球认可的FE世界锦标赛赛事中与一支现代、充满活力的团队合作是我们的荣幸。此外,NIO333FE车队的成员和我们一样,对技术研究开发有着同样的热情与活力,也正是如此,双方合作才能拥有丰硕成果!”
Oxford/Ronco Scrivia (GE), 31st January 2022 – NIO 333 Formula E is pleased to welcome OMP Racing as an Official Supplier of technical performance products for the 2021-2022 FIA Formula E World Championship season and beyond.
OMP Racing, a brand of Racing Force Group, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of safety components for race cars and is present in all racing championships. They will be supplying technical racing clothing to 333 Racing drivers Oliver Turvey, Dan Ticktum and Adam Carroll. This includes the supply of overalls, boots, gloves and underwear; all products deriving from the work of research and development in the company’s manufacturing facility located near Genoa, Italy.
As an Official Supplier, OMP Racing will also provide the team with driver kit bags, branded luggage for the race team, and will have prominent branding visible in the NIO 333 Formula E team garage environment as it competes around the world in the premier all-electric racing series.
Emma Bearpark, Marketing and Commercial Manager for NIO 333 Formula E Team, said: “We are pleased to welcome OMP Racing to the NIO 333 Formula E family. The safety of our drivers is our highest priority and as OMP is one of the leading suppliers of high-tech performance wear for top level motorsport we are delighted to have agreed a new multi-year partnership with them”.
Bruno Curletto, Sales and Motorsport Director for Racing Force Group, added: “We are proud of partnering with a modern, dynamic team competing in a championship we strongly believe in. Moreover, people at NIO 333 Formula E have the same passion for research and technology as we have: the perfect premise for a fruitful partnership”.